Your truck camper turns your pickup into a cozy sleeping space, meaning you can pack up and go virtually anywhere at a moments’ notice. You won’t be weighed down by a massive vehicle or forced to tow a giant trailer, so harder to reach vacation spots suddenly become possible. But your truck camper comes with a few unique challenges built-in, and the size means you need to be careful about planning out your trip and all your stops. 

Lucky for you, we here at The Outpost RV have a few tips to help you get going! If you want more travel tips, or you just want to see the truck campers we have for sale, contact our store in Middlebury, Indiana! Our friendly and experienced staff will help you find whatever you need at the prices you want.

Plan Ahead

Your truck camper makes it awfully tempting to be spontaneous with your adventures, and we’re all for it! But while spontaneity can make for some incredible memories and experiences, traveling with a truck camper is much easier if you plan out your trips ahead of time. 

For example, if you’re planning on staying at a designated campground, you’re going to want to reserve yourself some space ahead of time. This goes double for if you’re planning a trip during peak camping season. Campgrounds get packed pretty quickly, and you deserve to enjoy those hard-earned vacation days, so beat the crowd and make a reservation a few months in advance. If your campground is already booked by the time you try to reserve, then you know in advance that you won’t be able to use that and can utilize your time looking for a new location. 

Once you know where you’re camping, try to plan out your routes to and from the campground. Truck campers are small enough that you won’t need to be super careful about where you drive, but knowing where you’re going ahead of time can help you avoid any surprises. For bonus preparedness points, check out the weather patterns along your way and look for roadside attractions on or nearby your route.


This step is never the most fun part of a camping trip, but it’s still a vital one. You can pinch as many pennies as you like, but you’re still going to be spending some money, so try to figure out and set aside the amounts ahead of time. This includes money you’ll spend on food, campground fees, gas, spending money, and more. You should also include an emergency fund in case of unexpected expenses, like repairs or medical fees. Once your budget is set up and you’ve balanced it out a bit, you’ll get a better feel for whether or not you need to make adjustments to your trip or spending habits. 


Packing can be a tricky thing, even with a larger RV. There are a lot of supplies that feel necessary for a good and comfortable trip, but your truck camper has limited storage space. Balancing between meeting all of your needs and not overfilling your camper is a hard skill to learn, but a vital one. To prepare, start keeping track of the supplies and tools you use at home on a regular basis. Any time you approach a task in daily life, write down the supplies you needed to complete it. This includes things like cookware, cleaning supplies, and linens. The list will probably be too long to bring everything with you, but it will help you avoid things that you absolutely don’t need at all.

Of course, your personal trips may require more or less than we’ve recommended above—after all, every camping trip is unique. We hope we’ve at least given you a solid head start! If you need more tips or information, or you’re hoping to browse our selection of truck campers, contact us at The Outpost RV. We proudly serve the people of Middlebury, Indiana, and Kalamazoo, Michigan—let us serve you today!