Fifth wheels are towable RVs that utilize a unique over-bed hitching system. They are known to be large and luxuriously spacious, making travel and camping adventures more comfortable than ever. Fifth wheels are a very popular option, but it’s important to understand how to safely get them from one place to the next.

Know Your Weight Limit

Fifth wheel hitches can handle a lot of weight, but you should never assume that your truck or hitch system is ready to go. You should know how much your trailer weighs when empty and full. These weights will determine if your truck has adequate towing capacity and will be safe on the road. The owner’s manual will provide your ideal numbers.

You should always pay attention to travel restrictions relating to weight! It might be necessary to find a local scale to get accurate readings of the total weight of your truck and fifth wheel.

Practice Makes Perfect

If you’ve never towed a fifth wheel before, it’s worth giving yourself time and space to practice. Utilize an empty parking lot to practice turns, backing into spaces, braking, and parking. You should be 100% comfortable driving with your trailer before traveling.

Double-Check Your Coupling

You will become a pro at hooking and unhooking your fifth wheel as you travel, but you should always double-check that you are hooked up correctly! Test the brakes, lights, and functions of your connection before hitting the road.

Once you’ve determined your weight, practiced different driving situations, and double-checked your coupling, you’ll be on your way! Always use your best judgment on the road, give yourself plenty of space between other vehicles, and mind your speed. Towing a fifth wheel doesn’t have to be difficult, but you should do it safely. Our team at The RV Outpost, located in Middlebury, IN, is here to be your RV resource. We proudly serve the Kalamazoo, MI, area.