We’ve talked about living in your RV before, but what if you want to do that on a much smaller scale? It’s one thing to discuss living in a motorhome full-time, but living in your truck camper full-time can be an entirely different experience. A fulfilling one, to be sure, but you’ll need to consider some unique challenges that this lifestyle brings. We’ll get you started with these helpful tips.

Size is Everything

Obviously, life in a truck camper is going to be a little tight. You won’t have a lot of space to move around, although you’ll likely still have many of the most basic amenities. Sometimes this can be better in theory than in practice, and some people need their elbow room. To ensure you know whether it’s the right type of RV for your full-time plans, try out some test runs. Take a few extended vacations to get a feel for what you can expect and if it’s the right choice for you.

Who’s Coming Along?

If you’re not traveling solo, make sure that everyone else who will be joining you gets a say in this decision. While it may seem like a great idea to you, others in your party may be more incredulous. Don’t charge ahead until everyone is on board with the idea. 

Only Bring What You Need

You’ve only got so much space to store your stuff, so you may want to get rid of anything you don’t need. Storage units are an option for anything that doesn’t fit, but after a while, this can get expensive. Also keep in mind there may be some things you could live without, but don’t want to, like folding chairs or games. Think carefully about what you want and need to bring and try to keep things to a bare minimum.

While full-time truck camper travel isn’t for everyone, it might just be the right lifestyle change for you! If you still need the right truck camper, check out what we have for sale here at The Outpost RV in Middlebury, Indiana, serving Kalamazoo, Michigan.