When you’re on the hunt for the perfect travel trailer, you will come across a lot of different options. You’ll have to choose between brands, sizes, layouts, and features. Our team at The Outpost RV, located in Middlebury, IN, wants to share some benefits of choosing a lightweight trailer with you!

More Flexibility at Campsites

One of the first benefits you’ll experience with a lightweight travel trailer is more flexibility at your favorite campsites. There are two primary reasons a lightweight option can open up more travel adventures for you.

1. Navigate Tough Routes

Light travel trailers will be able to access routes that heavier options may be unable to. If you enjoy exploring off-grid locations, you’ll likely want a lighter trailer.

2. More Space Options

Another reason you’ll have more flexibility is simply that lightweight trailers are smaller, meaning you can fit into more camping spaces! You may not experience as many campsite restrictions based on the size of your rig.

Easy and Versatile Towing

Another factor that really sets lightweight options apart from your other choices is their ability to be towed by more vehicle types. The smaller weight will allow you to tow a trailer with more common daily drivers. Plus, you might feel more comfortable towing these trailers because you won’t have as much weight causing difficulties in braking and accelerating!

Overall Convenience

Lastly, the overall convenience of lightweight travel trailers might make them your winning choice. Their size gives them a lower starting price point, you will still enjoy modern RV amenities, and they are easier to store when not being used.

Owning a travel trailer opens the door to getting outdoors! Although there are endless options to choose from, lightweight trailers can be a great place to start. If you’re interested in exploring our inventory, visit us today! We proudly serve the Kalamazoo, MI, area.