Rain adds an extra layer of complexity to towing your travel trailer. The extra weight of your RV already increases your stopping distance, and driving on a slick road makes things even worse. Luckily, all it takes to keep yourself and others safe is a little planning and preparation. Use these tips from The Outpost RV to make towing your travel trailer in the rain a breeze.

Helpful Gear

The two major issues that rain creates for travel trailer owners are lack of traction and reduced visibility. Thankfully, the right gear can help you deal with both of these problems. For example, tires with deeper treads will make it easier to get traction on a wet road. You can even purchase special rain tires if you live in a very rainy area. As for the visibility issue, a well-maintained set of wiper blades can make a huge difference.

Driving Tips

Another way to keep yourself safe while towing your travel trailer in the rain is by using the correct driving techniques. Make sure that whoever is driving remains focused and clear-headed. Turn on your lights to make yourself more visible, and try to get into the middle lane where the road will usually be the driest.

The added weight of your travel trailer increases your risk of hydroplaning, so avoid deep puddles if possible and slow down to the legal minimum speed for the road you are driving on. If you do start to feel yourself losing traction, keep calm and try to keep your rig moving in as straight a line as possible. Apply steady pressure to your brakes so that you can maintain better control. Remember that if the weather gets too bad for you to safely drive in, it may be better to just pull over until things calm down a bit.

For more information on how to safely tow your travel trailer in the rain, or to view our selection of travel trailer models, visit The Outpost RV at our dealership in Middlebury, Indiana. Our friendly staff is ready to welcome guests from all over, including those from communities like Kalamazoo, Michigan.